Sunday, March 25, 2018

Assignment 21 Will Gregory

Concussions. Yes you read that correctly, It was meant to be plural. What is a concussion? Well it is a violent blow to the head causing bruising and damage to the brain. Concussions have been a huge obstacle I've had to overcome in my playing career as well as in life in general. Over my 12 year career playing full contact football I have received 5 recorded concussions, I specify recorded because I am now convinced that I have received plenty more than that I was just trying to be the tough guy and never got myself checked out for them. Of those 5 concussions, 2 of which have knocked me unconscious and 1 of them put me in a neck brace for months because it was accompanied by torn ligaments in my neck. All 5 of those concussions have effectively ended my season that year and done nothing but set me back in my advancement as a player. What is now more apparent is that concussions have lasting effects on people besides just their career. CTE is a condition brought about by multiple concussions and is now known to cause depression leading to suicide and many other problems with the brain later in life. Basically, not only have concussions ruined my playing career but may also have extremely detrimental effects later on in my life. But.... you're right Dad, I only got my bell rung and I'll be fine in a few days.

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