Monday, March 26, 2018

Assignment 21 Elle Varner

A problem I wish to solve is the rising cost of college. As a student, the fear of graduating college and living on my own is daunting enough, but there’s an even bigger problem; student debt. Many students graduate college with large amounts of student debt that takes years and years to pay off. There is a vicious cycle, and it goes like this: we study and strive to do our best throughout high school in order to hopefully get into our dream school, we then pay huge sums of money to get into college in order to get a degree (which is almost essential to getting a job), we graduate college and finally find jobs in order to pay off our debt. 
Yes, this isn’t a new problem; and yes, generations before have faced this problem as well, but the cost of colleges are constantly increasing and something needs to be done about it. 

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