Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Assignment 21 - Dani Fauzi

Last semester I failed a class. Like, legitimately got an F. Furthermore, this was the first time I’d ever gotten a final grade in a class that wasn’t an A (au revoir, my 4.0 gpa). Due to this failure, I now have to retake the first semester of this class next year, meaning I can’t have a class during the 6-hour day for mentoring first semester. Furthermore, the teacher of this class is also pretty disappointed in me.
My blunder last semester, or more correctly my blunder throughout the entirety of my life in high school, was putting my mental health on the backburner. Before junior year, I could coast through classes while barely holding my mental health together due to the comparatively lighter workload I had. However, things came to a head last semester, and instead of seeking help for my worsening condition, I chose a class to ignore all my work in. Failing a class definitely helped my family accept that I needed To See Someone and I’ve accepted that in order to do well in school, I first must prioritize my health.  But maybe I can’t say I’ve truly learned much from the experience because I’m currently failing that class again this semester, and one other class as well. 

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