Sunday, March 25, 2018

Assignment 22 Danielle Dutton

     My life has always been a balancing act. My personality never decisively fits into any standard “either, or” categories. Are you an introvert or extrovert? Well, both, depends on the situation. I’m incredibly outgoing with my friends and love to be with them, but I also like to be alone and stay away from social situations. Are you an artsy person or sciency person? Well I personally love math and science, but I’m also very committed to and involved with flute and musical theatre. Do you prefer routine or change? It really depends. I like a basic outline of a routine but I can’t do the same thing every day without mixing things up or being surprised sometimes, I’d go insane. 
     I’m incredibly busy all the time because I have so many interests and can’t subscribe to just one track in life. Because of this I need a college where I can test out several things in my first year or so before deciding which major I want to pursue. I need somewhere that has lots of options and also a good availability of extracurriculars so even after I pick one thing to pursue for a career I can still take time to enjoy my other interests. My college will have to be willing to work with me to keep all the things I love in my life instead of just sending me out on one of their pre-determined non-negotiable tracks. 

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