Sunday, March 25, 2018

assignment 22: Lindsey Angel

As of right now, I really have no clue where I want to go to college, which is kind of alarming considering I’ll be applying this winter. However, I do know what I want in a college, just not which one in particular. At the beginning of high school, the most important factor when choosing a college was proximity, or rather the lack of. I wanted to go as far away as possible. Now when I think of college, I think I may want the opposite. The past few years, especially since the birth of my niece and nephew, I've realized that being with my family is much more important to me than I once thought. Now I'm not saying I want to go to college down the road at U.K. (I actually am very opposed to going there, but that's a different story for a different blog post), but I do want to be close enough that I can come visit my family more often than just during school breaks. While proximity to family is important, proximity to the outdoors is also, while less, important. Both my parents grew up on farms, and have raised me to be a nature lover. Throughout college, I want to be close enough to places where I can hike, run, and in general enjoy being outside. Apart from proximity, money is the biggest deciding factor for me. I want to go to an academically advanced, but still large, college and hope to get a substantial scholarship to one. However, I want to experience all that my college has to offer, including sororities and study abroad options. To be able to do all that, I will have to go to whatever school offers me the most money (hopefully, a full ride!).

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