Monday, November 20, 2017

Chris Beebout Assignment 12

               As I sit here in my quiet, secluded room, enveloped in my off-brand Snuggie, I feel obliged to impress one thing upon my future roommate: I am an introvert.

               That’s not to say I hate people or that I don’t like to have fun, but I don’t think you’ll catch me going to any insane parties, or even going out that much. I find that life itself provides enough social interactions (and problems) without me actively looking for them.

               So, roommate, our relationship will probably play out like this:
               I’ll say what needs to be said and interact with you when I need to. Then, if we start to notice things we like about each other via t-shirts or whatever, I may start to talk to you, which will lead to a positive friendship. If we don’t get along, I’ll probably avoid you so as not to tick you off. I really have no expectations for a roommate, so I’ll mostly just go with the flow (as long as the flow isn’t extremely loud or invasive).

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