Monday, November 20, 2017

Chris Beebout Assignment 11

               This year, my seat partner is Lindsey Angel. I’ve never had many classes with her, so I’m not that familiar with her personality, but by listing what I do know and making some inferences, maybe I can land some guesses.

               I know she is very studious— I think I heard she has a 4.0 GPA? Regardless, her studiousness certainly speaks to her tenacity and competency, because the Academy comes with a pretty heavy workload. I also know she does both debate and track. I can tell you firsthand how much research and grinding debate requires, so the fact that she keeps up with both that and track, a physically intensive sport, is impressive. When I’ve talked to her, she’s been very amiable, and has been very helpful and responsive when I have had questions about assignments from other classes.

               So, I can say with confidence that Lindsey is all at once intelligent, dedicated, kind, and approachable. With a combination of positive traits like these, I think we can all look forward to what she is going to accomplish in these coming years. Keep it up!

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