Monday, November 27, 2017

Assignment 10 Griffin Coates

If zombies attacked, I don't feel like there is much you can do. I would probably take what's left of my family (of course my dog is the top priority) to a grocery store or someplace that sells food to stock up on supplies. Here we would get as much food as we could because it is impossible to know how long we may need to last off of the current supplies. I would also stock up on gas, as it will eventually become a rare commodity and it will be essential to life. Also we would need some weapons to defend ourselves, knives probably wouldn't do us much good. I would head to an outdoor sport's store such as Dick's Sporting Good's to find weapons and ammunition. If we survive the inevitable Black Friday crowds at these places, I would head straight for the country side. Less houses means less people, which eventually leads to less zombies to fight off. The country side would also be a good place to lead a normal life, you could easily set up defenses and keep an eye out for any intruders. As for the question "Would you kill your parents if they turned to zombies?," I would say yes. If they are zombies, are they really themselves? I would say yes. I mean they're already dead, and they are trying to eat you. Seems like a no-brainer to me.

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