Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Assignment 10 Danielle Dutton

It was a dark and cold night in October, the month when strange and spooky things seem to occur constantly. My friends and I were in an unfamiliar building with an even more unfamiliar scene lurking outside – a cornfield filled with unimagined perils. We had braved both the gathering crowd and the cornfield in the daylight, but the darkness presented a different challenge. In the light of the building we were safe, but the thought of the dangers out in the dark brought fear tinged with excitement – something we were all too eager to indulge. None of us wanting to appear cowardly, we all mustered our courage, ignored our better judgement, and walked as a pack towards the entrance of the treacherous maze. There we met a gate keeper. She appealed in earnest for us to come to our senses, warning us of the threats lurking within the labyrinth – zombies, axe murderers, monsters of unimagined horror. Thinking ourselves invincible, we pushed on, brushing off the woman’s warning. We soon realized our mistake. Fifteen steps into the maze I caught glimpse of something moving in the wall of corn we were about to pass. I signaled my friends. We stopped in our tracks. I peered into the corn, urgently seeking to make sense of the disheveled figure – a zombie. Its soulless eyes stared into mine. I was at the front of the pack. I was to be the first victim. I took a step forward. The figure remained motionless, eyes still locked on mine. Another step. Nothing. I was almost even with it now, and I thought that maybe since I’d seen it I’d pass unchallenged. I took one more step. The creature lunged out at me snarling and waving its terrible, bloody arms. I was frozen. All I could do was scream.

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