Thursday, November 30, 2017

Assignment 13 Griffin Coates

In light of the upcoming vote on net neutrality, I thought I would take some time to discuss how vital this vote is to our society. FCC Chairman Ajit Pai is a popular name on the internet now, as he is the one leading the charge to end net neutrality. His idea is bold and innovative, but I'm thinking on a bigger scale. Instead of ending the unlimited public's access to the internet, why not end the internet entirely? I mean if we can't have free access, let's not have it at all? Humanity doesn't need this vile plague that has been rotting and corrupting the minds of humans.  Instead of little plastic cards, let's revert back to the Stone Age and pay for our needs in beads and rocks. Humanity could greatly benefit from this. No more internet school assignments, no more hours spent wasted away staring at mindless youtube videos. No more television, Instagram or snapchat. Kids today don't need phones, they need sticks and hoops. Back to the old fashioned way is the only way to go. #makeamericastoneageagain

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