Sunday, November 19, 2017

Assignment 12 Harris Hawkins

Picking a college roommate, especially one I've never met, frightens me. Talking to current college students a roommate has the potential to become a friend for life or another obstacle in an already stressful college life. A tech that worked with me at physical therapy had an interesting experience. On several instances, he woke up to find his roommate watching him sleep. I'm at a lost of words to describe this.
When I go off to college in less than two -- first of all that is terrifying-- I will meet people from all walks of life. My roommate in all likelihood will become my first friend. The first thing my roommate should know about me is my acceptance. I refuse to judge people because everyone comes from a different walk of life. It should also be known my cooking limit is microwavable mac n cheese and scrambled eggs. Finally he should feel comfortable talking to me about anything. I pride myself in my listening skills. I sit in a rooms full of adults and just listen for hours, you'd be surprised how much you could learn.

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