Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Assignment 9 Danielle Dutton

In an ideal world we would have no need for war, and everyone would be able to compromise and talk through their differences. Sadly, this world is far from ideal. People are greedy and selfish and world leaders can’t always see eye to eye and in those cases resort to violence. It’s bound to happen because of human nature; however, that doesn’t make it right. It’s not morally right for world leaders to send hundreds of thousands of their citizens to war to potentially die just because they couldn’t compromise. World War II caused over twenty one million military deaths. That’s twenty million families torn apart because world leaders couldn’t compromise. Is that just? I don’t think so. But is it more just than what would’ve occurred had countries not stepped in to stop the Nazis? Maybe. As it was, World War II caused over fifty million civilian deaths, but Nazi domination could’ve caused more. And just as sending millions of soldiers to die for their countries isn’t morally right, neither is idly standing by and allowing a corrupt man to commit genocide. In that case as in most, war was simply the lesser of two evils. But as long as selfish people exist who try to abridge others’ natural rights, world leaders will continue to be forced to choose between two evils. And most of the time, that sadly ends in massive loss of life. 

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