Sunday, September 17, 2017

Assignment 3- Will Gregory

When I think about about experiences or opportunities that have shaped or changed my life I immediately think about my church. My church has introduced me to so many things that have altered my views and actions. If I had to specifically pinpoint 1or 2 events that have done this for me I would have to say the 2 mission trips I have taken through my church. The Youth group at my church is very involved in our community and focuses heavily on volunteer work. My mother, a social worker employed by our church eloquently described our churches actions as "putting our mission where our mouth is". She says that so many other churches and organizations are perfectly happy to preach from their high horses about going out and doing mission work and helping one's community, but tend to fail when it comes to actually getting out and doing this work. The volunteer work and mission trips I have taken through my church have shown me parts of this country and people within them that I would have otherwise never encountered. I have learned so much through these trips and hopefully helped many people. They have changed my outcome on life entirely and would recommend them to any and everyone.

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