Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Assignment 1 Griffin Coates

I'm Griffin Coates and my goals for this year are to maintain straight A's and pass all of my AP courses. This has been a goal of mine all of high school because it pushes me to high standards
and excellence. One of my main hobbies is playing lacrosse. Ive been playing for almost 8 years now and introduced my two younger brothers to the sport also. Along with lacrosse, I also participate in numerous school activities including History Club, Dance-Blue Set Up and Fundraising, Beta Club and more. This year I intend to be more studious and try not to procrastinate as much because it's never good in the end.

As of right now, Im not exactly sure what I want to be but marketing/entrepreneurship has grabbed my attention currently. I would be following in the footsteps of my dad and grandfather, maybe it runs in the family? More interests include hiking, skiing and I love to spend time with my dog Georgia. As of right now, my favorite website is  https://twitter.com because I love to scroll through memes when I get bored.

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