Saturday, September 2, 2017

Assignment 2 - Dani Fauzi

Books read over the past 12 months

  • The Bell Jar
  • Song of Solomon (unfinished)
  • The Bluest Eye (unfinished)
  • Founding Brothers (unfinished)
  • The Metamorphosis (unfinished)
  • Child of All Nations
  • Collapse (unfinished)
  • A History of Women in America (unfinished)
  • Things Fall Apart (unfinished)
  • The Handmaid’s Tale
  • Hold Tight Gently
  • The Miseducation of Cameron Post

Most books I pick up remain unfinished. In all of the cases where I did not finish a book, it was not because I thought the book was boring, but because I misplaced/lost/had to return the book to a library before I could finish it, then either never found it/never checked it out again or began a different book by the time I found it. That says I’m a forgetful and disorganized person.

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