Sunday, September 17, 2017

Assignment 3 elle varner

When I was in 3rd grade I had the privilege of going on a carribean cruise for Spring Break. My family and I travelled to Cozumel, Mexico; Key West; Jamaica; and the Cayman Islands. Everywhere we went was gorgeous. The water was incredibly blue and clear and the plants and animals were abundant and unfamiliar, especially to a 9 year old who had never left Kentucky before.  But what affected me the most about that trip was the realization of how well off -not just I was- but how well off our country is. This realization became most apparent when I was in Jamaica, where inflation was insanely high. There were impoverished people living on every corner, and despite their condition, they were the sweetest people I have ever met. The trip truly opened my eyes to how good my life is and how I was taking things for granted.

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