Saturday, September 30, 2017

Luke de Castro Assignment 4

I found it difficult to answer this question. At first, I thought that maybe I am a sheep who never questions anything, but I quickly realized that it is just the opposite. The prompt assumes something. It assumes that I take beliefs at face value before questioning them first. It assumes that my parents or my community unduly impose these beliefs on me. I grew up in a family culture that promoted questioning and discussion.

It is important to question all ideas and beliefs not simply to change them but to reaffirm and qualify them. Every morning when I drive to school, my dad sits in the car with me. We talk about current events, family, and other interesting ideas. Because we have a more equal footing in our relationship, I challenge and discuss more. Having beliefs about something is as important as the thought process behind those beliefs. Those discussions every morning before school constitute that thought process. Instead of accepting my parent’s ideas at face value, I contribute to their views just as they contribute to mine.

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