Sunday, September 17, 2017

Assignment 4- Will Gregory

5 Years ago, to the day almost, I had a somewhat life altering experience. It was 2012 and right in the middle of the presidential race. Only 2 candidates remained, Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. In social studies class, our teacher informed us that we would have a mock political debate in favor of each candidate. In hearing this, I went home and asked my father to fill me in on his thoughts of the candidates so I would have some fuel with which to argue the following day. I listened to my father closely and even took down notes so I wouldn't forget. The next day I showed up ready to argue all of the points my father had so readily provided. I got up to debate on the issue of Obamacare and started spitting out my father's points of view without truly realizing what I was saying. It wasn't until after I had already argued his very right wing point of view that I realized that I didn't agree with it. I don't blame my father for having these views because they are simply a result of his upbringing but in reality, I don't agree with them entirely and regret arguing for them so adamantly. I think my experience speaks to why we have such a bitter political environment in the US. Many people simply replicate other's views verbatim without thinking critically towards them.

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