Sunday, February 11, 2018

Luke de Castro Assignment 18

1.     Before high school is over, I want to equip myself with the tools necessary to succeed in college. In these four short years, I want to cram as many skills as possible before it is over. High school may be the last time in life where we have the ability to completely focus on education. In college and beyond, we are forced to worry about problems other than our education, so I plan to take advantage of the opportunity I have now before having to face other issues.
2.     Before graduating college, I want to have a clear sense of purpose. College is a time of learning and self-discovery. During that time, I want to develop an idea of how I’m going to spend the rest of my life. Be it a career, life goal, or a certain attitude, I believe the college experience will help me decide and prepare for the rest of my life.

3.     Before finishing life, my ultimate goal is to change one aspect of the world. It may be a large contribution or a small one, but I want to leave the world different, and hopefully better, than I found it.

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