Sunday, February 11, 2018

Assignment 19 Danielle Dutton

As juniors, we’re at that point in our high school careers when everyone is telling us how important college is, how big of a decision choosing a school is, and how you have to find the one that fits you perfectly. And that’s a lot of pressure to add to our already incredibly busy lives. A couple weeks ago I was talking to my mom about how worried I was about college because I have no idea where I want to go or what I want to do or really how to figure that out. After recounting to me how she had switched colleges about three times, majors about six, and gone to college a total of six years before getting a degree because of all her switches, she told me that nothing, not even college, is really a make or break thing. My college choice isn’t going to be the deciding factor of whether my life forever after is happy or miserable, and neither is any other single decision I will make. That realization that no one decision is going to make or break the rest of my life has made thinking about the future in any capacity much less stressful, because I know that no matter what I end up doing or where I end up going, I can still make the best out of my life.

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