Sunday, February 11, 2018

Julia Meadors Assignment 19

Being on time. Work ethic. Effort. Body language. Energy. Attitude. Passion. Being coachable. Doing extra. Being prepared.  

These are the “10 things that require zero talent.” The first time that I heard this list was in band class and I was surprised that we were taking time to talk about such little things. But after thinking about it, I realized that there were several things that I don’t apply to everything I do, not just in band but also in all of my classes. Everybody always gets caught up trying to be the best at everything they do and sometimes it is the small things that make the biggest difference. If you go into a task with a bad attitude or with as little energy as possible, you will never get your best result. Also, if you are struggling to finish a task, if you can excel at these little details, it can make a huge difference in your results. 

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