Sunday, February 11, 2018

Assignment 18 Lucy Ferguson

1. The number one thing on my bucket list before i graduate high school is to go to a Henry Clay Basketball game. I have never been to a Henry Clay basketball game. I go to other games i have just never made it to a basketball game and i want to before i graduate.
2. The top thing on my bucket list for before i finish college is to feel confident in my career path that i am taking and make sure i am happy in what i am doing. I dont want to be one of those people that dreads going to work everyday and is always miserable when they are working because they dont like their job. I want to be able to do something that i at least and interested in and enjoy doing some of the time.
3. The top thing on my bucket list for life is to travel the world. I want to be able to go to all different places in the world before i die and get to experience all the different cultures and see all the different sights. I want to go to all of the continents before i die and travel throughout them if possible.

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