Sunday, February 4, 2018

Christopher Beebout Assignment 18

Hmm. I’ve never really had a bucket list. I don’t know, I guess I’ve just sort of gone wherever the winds of my circumstances have blown me. So I suppose for my bucket list, I must choose my own path for a change.

High school—High school is not merely a place of learning; it is a proving ground. Thus far I have quantified most of my life’s success by measure of how well I’ve done on tests, my grades, my GPA, and other standards. But is there not more to life? Even as I must shackle myself to the education system to get into college, perhaps I should think more about my religion and personal relationships to find fulfillment.

College—Find a good one, don’t get into loads of debt and apply the things I (hopefully) will learn from item #1.

Life—Be more than a cog. Shatter the lack of purpose in this mortal coil. Make a difference in at least one person’s life—but hopefully quite a few.

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