Sunday, February 11, 2018

Assignment 18 - Dani Fauzi

  1. I’m hesitant to enter a goal for this first time frame because the end of high school is only a year and a half away and with my track record, I may not accomplish what I want to. Setting a goal and then realizing that 1.5 years passed without any action would be kind of sad. So I’ll keep it simple: before I finish high school I hope I fill up at least one more sketchbook after I finish the one I am currently using.
  2. Before I finish college, I would like to become fully fluent in Indonesian. I’m nearly there reading and listening-wise; I just need to work on my speaking skills. I want to be able to read the original texts of Indonesian writers like Charil Anwar and Pramoedya Ananta Toer, and I would also like to be able to talk to my extended family in Indonesian.
  3. Before I finish living, I want to successfully mold a dorodango, which is Japanese for “shiny mud dumpling”. Mud and persistence are combined to create a perfect, shiny sphere. There is a short film on National Geographic featuring a guy from the American Southwest with all varieties of dorodango, in various colors due to different soils.

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