Sunday, February 11, 2018

Assignment 18- Will Gregory

    High School-While yes, it may be rather cliché, My most important goal for me to accomplish before I graduate High School has to be achieving some sort of scholarship to college. Money is such an important issue when it comes to college and being able to get some sort of scholarship (I mean a full ride would be lovely but I'm trying to be realistic here). I will hopefully be able to do that by continuing to raise my GPA and by doing well on the ACT.
   College- before I graduate college I wasn't to really be able to know my direction in life. I don't want to come out of college and get a generic desk job with my degree because I don't know exactly what i want to do with my career. I want to have I good idea of this before I graduate so I wont get stuck in a boring corporate job for much of my career as so many others do.
   Life- This is quite the big question. To which I will once again give a cliché answer. I want to build a family, like a huge family. Family is such and important aspect of my life that I just can't wait to make my own.

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