Sunday, February 11, 2018

Assignment 19- Will Gregory

"It is better to choke on greatness than nibble on mediocrity"
This quote, so often used by my father holds a deep and special meaning to me. I remind myself, or at least try to remind myself of this saying every time I have to make an important decision. This quote essentially says that risking something for a great outcome is better than not risking something for a lesser outcome. Whenever Im faced with a risky decision, I try to recite this to myself to make sure I am going in the right direction. It has helped me take risks many times. These risks that it encourages me to take may not always be the most intelligent and are downright stupid sometimes. Even so, although it may have always led me down the most successful path, I am much prouder of myself for taking these risks and not "Nibbling on mediocrity."

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